Dear Colleagues,
The Organizing Committee of the 2025 10th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE) kindly invites you to submit a paper. The event will take place in SPA Hotel Armira, Starozagorski Bani (15 km away from Stara Zagora), Bulgaria, in the period 5-7 November 2025. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas for academics, scientists, engineers, PhD students and businessmen in the fields of energy and agriculture.
The authors should submit their papers according to the provided template in both Microsoft Word and PDF format via the EE&AE 2025 Conference Management System. The submission length should be 4-6 pages. Each author can participate in at most three papers. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Each accepted paper must be presented by at least one of the authors in either face-to-face or online form.
The main topics of the conference include, but are not limited to: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, Circuits and Systems, Precision Agriculture, Internet of Things, as well as ICT, Big Data, Machine Learning, Entrepreneurship, Education, etc. in the above-mentioned fields. A full list of the available topics can be found here.
Association for Engineering and Research in Agriculture (AERA)
IEEE Bulgaria Section
Bulgaria Section CAS/SSC Joint Chapter
The official language of the conference is English, and therefore all papers must be written in English language.
The EE&AE 2025 conference will be implemented in hybrid form. The authors will be able to choose between the following types of presentations:
- Oral face-to-face presentation;
- Oral virtual presentation;
- Poster virtual presentation.
All papers must be presented by at least one of its authors in one of the conference sessions. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to the IEEEXplore Digital Library, Scopus and Web of Science.