All authors should submit their papers through the EE&AE 2025 Conference Management System, powered by Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit (CMT). The full papers should be submitted in accordance with the conference template before the deadline and their length should be between 4 and 6 pages. Each submission will be reviewed on:
- Quality of content;
- Significance for theory and/or practice;
- Originality and level of innovativeness
- Thematic relevance to the "Call for papers";
- Quality of presentation.
After the review process is complete, authors will be notified about the Conference Committee decision.
The authors of the accepted papers will be invited to upload a camera ready submission. Papers meeting the following criteria will be published in the Conference proceedings on IEEE Xplore:
- Reviewers comments are taken into consideration;
- The plagiarism detection system is passed;
- The papers are formatted in accordance with the conference template (soon);
- English language and grammar are correct;
- The IEEE copyright form is signed and submitted.
The IEEE copyright forms will be signed electronically via the EE&AE 2025 Conference Management System. After filling in the form the authors should download the PDF file and upload it to the CMT system.
The camera ready papers should be uploaded in both DOCX and IEEE Xplore Compatible PDF format. After the submission deadline all papers will be reviewed and checked for plagiarism by IEEE CrossCheck / iThenticate. If the submitted paper does not meet the plagiarism criteria, the authors will receive the result of the review and will be able to make changes within 5 days. After the final check a final decision will be made: accept or reject.
During the camera-ready submission and registration the authors will ahve to choose their preferred form of participation: face-to-face Oral or virtual Poster.
Authors should validate and convert their final Camera-Ready file into an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file using the IEEE PDF eXpress site.
Warning: Any changes to the final Camera-Ready file should be done before performing the validation and conversion. Changes made after IEEE PDF eXpress site validation and conversion may invalidate IEEE Xplore-compatibility.
First-time users should do the following:
1. Login to the IEEE PDF eXpress site
2. If you haven't used IEEE PDF eXpress before, click the button "Create account".
3. Enter the following:
- 65901X for the Conference ID
- your email address
- a password
4. Continue to enter information as prompted.
5. Upload your .docx file to IEEE PDF eXpress and download the converted PDF version (in a couple of minutes).
6. Upload the IEEE PDF eXpress compatible file to the EE&AE 2025 Conference Management System.
Previous users of IEEE PDF eXpress or IEEE PDF eXpress Plus need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
All papers must be presented by at least one of the authors in either a face-to-face or virtual session. Papers which are not presented at the conference will not be published in the IEEEXplore Digital Library.
Face-to-face oral presentation
The authors should prepare a PowerPoint/PDF presentation and present it during the corresponding oral session. The presentation should be no more than 12 minutes, including the questions and answers.
Virtual poster presentation
The authors should prepare a poster according to the virtual poster template (soon) and upload it to the EE&AE 2025 Conference Management System as a supplementary file no later than 31 October 2025 (Friday). During the conference they should regularly verify their e-mail address and answer any questions from the conference participants regarding their poster.